Category: Newsletter

How well do you remember your Instrument training? GPS is NOT always available.

GPS is always available right? Hundreds of commercial flights were cancelled last night.  It’s always good to practice the basics like Pilotage and VOR navigation.  Keep this a minor inconvenience and review your flight instruction!

Learn to fly and beat the traffic! I-74 bridge construction in the Quad Cities looking towards Iowa

Newsletter May 2019

I’m sure many of you have wondered what happen to the newsletter.  If the is truth to be known,  I lost my discipline to get one out every month even though I know newsletters are important for communicating to members

Quad City Airport – KMLI Pilot Lounge improvements

Quad City Aviation Director – Ben Leischner has been improving facilities to encourage more General Aviation at our airport.   Stay tuned for updates.   This was taken on May 4th, 2019 and it is still a work in progress.  

Self-Service Fuel at MLI!

Through a lot of effort by Quad City International Airport’s Aviation Director, Ben Leischner, and strong encouragement from our club president Jim Goetsch, we now have self-service fuel at prices that will be among the lowest around, if not the

Jim Goetsch takes Channel 4 News for an aerial tour of Quad City Mississippi River flooding in our club plane.

Floods from above: Pilot says flood damage is becoming more frequent

April 2018 Newsletter

                  New Member Joe Aziz joined the club in February.  He is being instructed by Chip Knuckey.  Joe recently finished his residency at the University of Iowa and has moved to the

March 2018 Newsletter

Our annual club-wide meeting is being held on Saturday, April 14th at 10am.  We, as usual, will hold the meeting in the Civil Air Patrol building.  However, the building that we met in last year has been demolished, and the

February 2018 Newsletter

Dave received his instrument rating November 2017.  He was instructed by Josh Brooks.  I apologize for taking so long to get this piece of news out, but several things conspired to prevent that from happening.  Dave joined the club last

December 2017 Newsletter

John recently, December 2, passed his currency test under the instruction of Dean Jones.  He had joined just this past August.  He had not flown for 38 years, so regaining his proficiency with 10 hours of ground school and 15
